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发表于 2021-2-10 13:28:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
│  ├─发刊词 推荐语
│  │  ├┈大咖推荐  武志红:真正的亲密,是两个真我的遇见1.pdf
│  │  ├┈发刊词  莎兰·汉考克:你可以拥有真正的亲密关系1.pdf
│  │  ├┈发刊词:why is it possible to have fulfilling intimacy relationship1.pdf
│  │  ├┈学员分享  梁红:在亲密关系咨询工作中,莎兰是我的最大的帮助与支持者.pdf
│  │  └┈学员分享  小莉说:这是中国女性送给自己最好的礼物.pdf
│  ├┈01. Why cant you meet the right person 1.pdf
│  ├┈01. 为什么我无法找到那个对的人?1.pdf
│  ├┈02. 为什么我在关系中却感受不到亲密?1.pdf
│  ├┈03. What is a fulfilling relationship .1.pdf
│  ├┈03. 什么样的亲密关系才算是圆满1.pdf
│  ├┈04. Why do you always worry about being abandoned by other1.pdf
│  ├┈04. 依赖者|为什么我总是担心被TA抛弃?1.pdf
│  ├┈05. Why do you always afraid of losing freedom in your intimacy relationship1.pdf
│  ├┈05. 反依赖者|为什么我总是担心在爱情中失去自由?.1.pdf
│  ├┈06. Identify  Identify your relationship pattern workshee.pdf
│  ├┈06. 识别|一张表格快速识别自己的恋爱模式1.pdf
│  ├┈07. A secure boundary could break fixed patterns1.pdf
│  ├┈07. 冥想练习|拥有安全的边界可以打破固有模式1.pdf
│  ├┈08. Anger is about being independent and learn separation1.pdf
│  ├┈08. 理解愤怒|愤怒是为了保持独立和学会分离1.pdf
│  ├┈09. Dont run away or hide your intimacy need1.pdf
│  ├┈09. 合理期待|不再逃离或隐藏你对亲密的需求1.pdf
│  ├┈10. 直面恐惧|恐惧让与内在深入连接成为可能1.pdf
│  ├┈11. Everyone need to have “once again” “restart”opportunity1.pdf
│  ├┈11. 停止指责|人人都需要的“再来一次”按钮1.pdf
│  ├┈12. The magic power of attention and touch and appreciation and acceptance.pdf
│  ├┈12. 满足渴望|关注+抚摸+欣赏+接纳的神奇力量1.pdf
│  ├┈13. How to improve your attraction to opposite sex in this period1.pdf
│  ├┈13. 空窗|如何利用这段时间提高自己的异性吸引力?1.pdf
│  ├┈14. How to avoid repeating pattern of your parents in intimacy relationship1.pdf
│  ├┈14. 代际传递|如何避免重复父母的亲密互动方式?1..pdf
│  ├┈15. How to transform the challenge and opportunity of affair1.pdf
│  ├┈15. 外遇|如何应对第三者带来的挑战和机遇?1.pdf
│  ├┈16. how to prevent child from being a victim in family1.pdf
│  ├┈16. 三角关系|如何避免孩子成为关系中的受害者?1.pdf
│  ├┈17. How to find a suitable partner1.pdf
│  ├┈17. 单身|如何找到合适的另一半?1.pdf
│  ├┈18. When is the best time to leave in a relationship1.pdf
│  ├┈18. 分手|在什么时候离开一段关系最合适?1.pdf
│  ├┈19. Honestly is the best preservative for relationship.1.pdf
│  ├┈19. 解套|诚实是关系的最佳保鲜剂1.pdf
│  ├┈20. The true match in love is the match in sex.1.pdf
│  ├┈20. 爱情中真正门当户对的是性的门当户对1.pdf
│  ├┈21. I feel shameful to sex, how to do1.pdf
│  ├┈21. 羞耻|我对性有羞耻感,怎么办?1.pdf
│  ├┈22. The real difference between men and women regarding sex.1.pdf
│  ├┈22. 差异|男人和女人对性的真正差异2.pdf
│  ├┈23. How to open body feeling to have wonderful sex experience1.pdf
│  ├┈23. 放松|如何打开身体感受,体验极致的性放松?1.pdf
│  ├┈24. How to express I want or I dont want to your partner1.pdf
│  ├┈24. 沟通|你可以这样表达,告诉TA你想要或不想要1.pdf
│  ├┈25. A key to have a wonderful sex experience1.pdf
│  └┈25. 性福宝典|获得非凡性福生活的通关密码1.pdf
└─│  ├┈大咖推荐  武志红:真正的亲密,是两个真我的遇见.mp3
└─│  ├┈发刊词  莎兰·汉考克:你可以拥有真正的亲密关系.mp3
└─│  ├┈发刊词:why is it possible to have fulfilling intimacy relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈学员分享  梁红:在亲密关系咨询工作中,莎兰是我的最大的帮助与支持者.mp3
└─│  └┈学员分享  小莉说:这是中国女性送给自己最好的礼物.mp3
└─│  ├┈01. Why cant you meet the right person.mp3
└─│  ├┈02. Why you cant feel intimate in your relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈03. What is a fulfilling relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈04. Why do you always worry about being abandoned by other.mp3
└─│  ├┈05. Why do you always afraid of losing freedom in your intimacy relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈06. Identify  Identify your relationship pattern workshee.mp3
└─│  ├┈07. A secure boundary could break fixed patterns.mp3
└─│  ├┈08. Anger is about being independent and learn separation.mp3
└─│  ├┈09. Dont run away or hide your intimacy need.mp3
└─│  ├┈10. Fear brings the possibility of deep connection with the inner self.mp3
└─│  ├┈11. Everyone need to have “once again” “restart”opportunity.mp3
└─│  ├┈12. The magic power of attention and touch and appreciation and acceptance.mp3
└─│  ├┈13. How to improve your attraction to opposite sex in this period.mp3
└─│  ├┈14. How to avoid repeating pattern of your parents in intimacy relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈15. How to transform the challenge and opportunity of affair.mp3
└─│  ├┈16. how to prevent child from being a victim in family.mp3
└─│  ├┈17. How to find a suitable partner.mp3
└─│  ├┈18. When is the best time to leave in a relationship.mp3
└─│  ├┈19. Honestly is the best preservative for relationship..mp3
└─│  ├┈20. The true match in love is the match in sex..mp3
└─│  ├┈21. I feel shameful to sex, how to do.mp3
└─│  ├┈22. The real difference between men and women regarding sex..mp3
└─│  ├┈23. How to open body feeling to have wonderful sex experience.mp3
└─│  ├┈24. How to express I want or I dont want to your partner.mp3
└─│  └┈25. A key to have a wonderful sex experience.mp3
└─└─├┈01. 为什么我无法找到那个对的人?.mp3
└─└─├┈02. 为什么我在关系中却感受不到亲密?.mp3
└─└─├┈03. 什么样的亲密关系才算是圆满.mp3
└─└─├┈04. 依赖者|为什么我总是担心被TA抛弃?.mp3
└─└─├┈05. 反依赖者|为什么我总是担心在爱情中失去自由?.mp3
└─└─├┈06. 识别|一张表格快速识别自己的恋爱模式.mp3
└─└─├┈07. 冥想练习|拥有安全的边界可以打破固有模式.mp3
└─└─├┈08. 理解愤怒|愤怒是为了保持独立和学会分离.mp3
└─└─├┈09. 合理期待|不再逃离或隐藏你对亲密的需求.mp3
└─└─├┈10. 直面恐惧|恐惧让与内在深入连接成为可能.mp3
└─└─├┈11. 停止指责|人人都需要的“再来一次”按钮.mp3
└─└─├┈12. 满足渴望|关注+抚摸+欣赏+接纳的神奇力量.mp3
└─└─├┈13. 空窗|如何利用这段时间提高自己的异性吸引力?.mp3
└─└─├┈14. 代际传递|如何避免重复父母的亲密互动方式?.mp3
└─└─├┈15. 外遇|如何应对第三者带来的挑战和机遇?.mp3
└─└─├┈16. 三角关系|如何避免孩子成为关系中的受害者?.mp3
└─└─├┈17. 单身|如何找到合适的另一半?.mp3
└─└─├┈18. 分手|在什么时候离开一段关系最合适?.mp3
└─└─├┈19. 解套|诚实是关系的最佳保鲜剂.mp3
└─└─├┈20. 爱情中真正门当户对的是性的门当户对.mp3
└─└─├┈21. 羞耻|我对性有羞耻感,怎么办?.mp3
└─└─├┈22. 差异|男人和女人对性的真正差异.mp3
└─└─├┈23. 放松|如何打开身体感受,体验极致的性放松?.mp3
└─└─├┈24. 沟通|你可以这样表达,告诉TA你想要或不想要.mp3
└─└─└┈25. 性福宝典|获得非凡性福生活的通关密码.mp3


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